

Partnering to Produce Better Care for All

OSF Innovation understands the value of fresh perspectives, and seeks to work with innovators in and outside the walls of OSF HealthCare.

We partner with start-ups, corporations, academic institutions, hospital systems and our own Mission Partners to build the future of health care.

How We Can Partner with You

Technology & Services Exploration
If you are a startup, technology company or entrepreneur in the health care space working to take your idea to the next level, we can help. Partner with us to to test, implement and scale your solution, ensuring it brings value to your customers.  
Build Connections
Incubators and accelerators in the health care space are frequently in search of expertise to grow promising companies. OSF Innovation has experience partnering to build meaningful relationships with innovative businesses that can bring value to OSF.  
Advanced Imaging & Modeling
Do you have a tough surgical case coming up that could benefit from 3D modeling? Partner with the Advanced Imaging and Modeling Lab to convert your medical images into three-dimensional digital renderings to aid in surgical planning.  
Enhanced Education Creation
A great deal of ongoing medical education takes place online in the form of reading and video modules. Make your content more interactive by collaborating with Medical Visualization to apply emerging technologies in the design of visual and experiential education.
From creating task trainers to prototyping, our engineers can help you bring your ideas to fruition.
Simulation-Based Curriculum
Whether your are an academic institution or health care simulation center, we can help you design quality simulation events, addressing critical programmatic and clinical needs to achieve identified outcomes and demonstrate value. 
Simulation Research Design
Are you trying to determine if a simulation you've developed is successful? We can help you identity whether your project has increased confidence, changed processes or behaviors and improved patient safety using simulation and engineering research techniques. 

OSF HealthCare Foundation

We wouldn’t be able to achieve everything we’ve done so far without the help of Individuals, businesses and organizations. We welcome you to support the future of health care and join us on this journey.

Invest in the future of health care with us

Connect with us around opportunities to receive support or grow the work of others.

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Partner with Us

If you are interested in partnering with OSF Innovation, contact us today.

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