Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center Scheduling Guidelines

Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center is an immersive facility dedicated to enhancing medical education and training. Our vision is to improve outcomes while lowering health care costs through the innovative training of novice and experienced medical professionals.

All events at Jump must align with this vision and follow the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.

For a map of Jump and additional visitor information, find it here.

When Jump is Closed

Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center is closed on the following six Ministry holidays each year:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day

How Jump Prioritizes Events

Jump reserves the right to determine the priority of meetings and large-scale events. Decisions are based on the following criteria:

  • Educational events
  • Revenue-generating events (20% of Jump’s capacity is reserved for paid events to subsidize the cost of internal education)
  • Fiscally responsible events (i.e., those that would otherwise need to be booked at a commercial venue)
  • Events meeting a regulatory requirement
  • Events supporting a Ministrywide or local initiative
  • Events with a validated history of use

In case of scheduling conflicts, facilitators will first be given the opportunity to reach a solution. If they cannot, the Jump Management Council will make the final decision.

When Events May Be Rescheduled

Jump reserves the right to schedule or reschedule events based on attendance, priority and preparation requirements.

Acceptable reasons for rescheduling or resource reassignment include:

  • If the capacity of the space significantly exceeds the number of participants for an event.
    • Example: An event scheduled in a 75-seat lecture hall may be moved to a smaller room if only 25 participants register.
  • If a large-scale conference requires the entire facility.
  • If a simulation-based event requires space, a didactic-based event may be relocated or rescheduled.
  • If a revenue-generating event is scheduled, another event may be moved or rescheduled.
  • If a Ministrywide event is scheduled, other events may be moved or rescheduled accordingly.

Jump will work to accommodate all parties. If rescheduling is necessary, Jump will make every effort to relocate events within the facility. If relocation is not possible, affected parties will receive a minimum of 30 days’ notice.

Event Categories and Scheduling Release Dates

What are the event categories?

Static and Paid Events (require Jump Management Council approval)

  • Recurring simulation-based programs
  • Annual senior leadership events
  • Graduation or special ceremonies
  • Paying events or those with an approved fee waiver
  • Large weekend conferences with 100+ attendees

General Simulation

  • Educational programs using simulation that don’t qualify as static events
  • Programs with both simulation and lecture components can book both at the same time

Didactic-Based Education

  • Recurring lectures without simulation
  • If a lecture and simulation happen the same day, both can be booked together

Other Events

  • Meetings with fewer than 125 attendees can only be scheduled 30 days in advance

Scheduling Release Categories and Definitions

Each year, the Jump Management Council reviews a list of static events before the next scheduling release period. Approved static events will be available for scheduling based on the release schedule, which can be accessed here

The scheduling list includes:

  • Date of release: Lists projects available for scheduling by category release date
  • Projects by entity: Lists projects by the owning entity and their scheduled release dates

Jump Scheduling Guidelines

When can you request scheduling?

For Calendar Year 2026

  • April 1, 2025: Static and paid event requests for January-December 2026
  • June 1, 2025: General simulation event requests for January-December 2026
  • July 1, 2025: Didactic-based education event requests for January-December 2026
  • August 1, 2025: Remaining event requests for January-December 2026

Effective January 2026

For scheduling requests for the 2027 calendar year, the following release schedule will apply:

  • Third Monday in January: Static and paid events
  • Third Monday in February: General simulation events
  • Third Monday in April: Didactic-based education events
  • Third Monday in May: Remaining events

Requests submitted after their designated scheduling window will be processed in the order they are received.

What You Need to Include in Your Event Request

All event requests must include specific details to be considered for scheduling. If any required information is missing, the requestor will be notified and given five business days to provide the missing details. Failure to do so will result in a loss of position in the scheduling queue.

The information needed includes:

Non-Simulation and Non-Skill Events

  1. Preferred date(s)
  2. Start and end time
  3. Set-up and clean-up time: Jump allows a 30-minute buffer between events. Additional set-up time should be requested if needed.
  4. Approximate number of attendees: An estimate is required for space allocation
  5. Type of attendees: For example, OSF HealthCare nurses, external guests, University of Illinois College of Medicine attendees, etc.
  6. Event title: This should match the name attendees would recognize so our Mission Partners can help assist guests find the correct location or event.

Optional information:

  • Additional contact person (if different from the requestor)
  • Preferred room: Requests will be accommodated when possible.

Simulation and Skill-Based Events

In addition to the above requirements, simulation and skill events must include the following additional information:

Session times and a schedule (MSM) if running multiple simulations or using multiple rooms.

Session name or event type

  • If you don't have a specific session name yet, you can classify the event as one of the following:
    • Simulation (Sim Specialist Required): Uses a manikin and may also involve a standardized participant (SP)
    • SP-only simulation: Does not require a sim specialist or a manikin
    • Skills session: Hands-on training without a full simulation
    • Anatomical skills (cadaveric sessions): Uses cadavers for training
    • Tele-simulation with SP: Remote training involving an SP

Space requirements

  • You must specify the type and amount of space you need, such as:
    • Inpatient unit (e.g., virtual patient unit or virtual ICU)
    • Outpatient unit (OPU)
    • Apartment setting
    • Skills space
    • Ambulance
    • Anatomical skills lab

Resource needs

  • Indicate which resources you require, such as:
    • Standardized participant (SP)
    • Manikins (Adult, pediatric or infant)
    • Task trainers
    • Additional equipment (e.g., IV pumps, cribs, warmers, adult patient beds)

Deadlines for session name submission

  • Four weeks before event: A final session name must be submitted
  • If past due (four weeks before event): Jump will notify the requestor
  • Three weeks before event: If no session name is provided, Jump may release the reserved resources

New session development

  • If you are developing a new simulation session, you must submit an "add or modify" form at least six weeks before the event.

Making New or Changing Existing Requests for Events

Jump prefers advance notice of six weeks for new or modified simulation-based events. The complexity of the simulation will impact space, inventory and resource availability.

  • New simulations: If you have never run a simulation at Jump or want to start a new project to run at Jump, a Project Intake Request must be submitted by completing the intake form here.
  • Modifications to existing sessions: Add to or modify your session here. The events team will book based on existing session details and update once modifications are complete.

Need Assistance?

Our event liaisons are ready to help you plan your event at Jump!