The Regional Transport Center (RTC) greatly advances emergency rescue and transport training for pre-hospital responders.
The RTC and its equipment allow the simulation of home rescues, vehicular extractions and transportation situations under various environmental circumstances often faced in the field.
Care provided in the field by paramedics, emergency responders and home health care providers has a vital and direct impact on patient health and outcomes.
The initial impressions and interventions EMS personnel provide make a real difference in the outcomes of patients.
Thanks to an ambulance donation by Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois, we can train pre-hospital personnel how to respond to emergency calls and simulate what takes place as the ambulance heads to the hospital.
High-definition cameras and microphones inside the fully-equipped ambulance are connected to the simulation control room, allowing for easier facilitation of simulation training inside the rig.
In the accountable care environment, health care providers are responsible for not only individual patients but for the population of people within their geographic reach.
One way this is achieved is through home health care products, which can be tested for ease of use, accuracy and other important qualities in the RTC's fully-functioning one-bedroom apartment.
Our center is conveniently located in Central Illinois, about midway between Chicago and St. Louis. Peoria has an international airport as well as many hotel accommodations nearby to fully support a conference or workshop at our center.